Cross season is coming! (sorta)
July 21st, 2010 - By admin
When I was a kid, this is about the time in summer when I started realizing vacation wouldn’t last forever. Soon I’d have my ass parked in a school desk listening to some boring teacher yapping about something that, had I paid attention, might have been able to help me get a real job instead of my fake job I have now.
Now that we’re all *cough* adults, the sunny weather flies by even quicker, and before you know it we’ll be junk-deep in the muddy morass of cyclocross season.
Instead of trying to squeeze a knobby tire in your old Puch Odyssey, or ‘repurposing’ a mountain bike, why dontcha treat yourself to a real cross bike? And as long as your already here, there’s no need to look any further. We’ve got nice ones ready to ship!
Of course there’s this one, from the 2010 NAHBS and SDCBS shows: SOLD… SNOOZE=LOSE
It’s still available, and its misdemeanor-level criminally low price of $3700 is being reduced to a felonious $3400, which is what the frame and fork would cost if you just ordered that from me like a civilized person.
More info and pictures here.
Oh, but that’s not the end of it. Our ‘production’ CrossMuters are on sale for $1000, down from $1200. All three sizes are available as of this typing, but there aren’t too many left. I want to clear the shelves to make room for another steel production bike which will be discussed later…
We’re out of matching forks, but there is one Igleheart segmented fork that’s unpainted ($300), or we have Edge carbon forks on stock that are $500 with a frame purchase.
If you need more info, read about them here or here. More pictures here.
Call or email if you have any questions or want to snap one of these fellas up.