Because there can never be too many pictures of grey bikes, please send me yours!
April 10th, 2011 - By admin
We will have a new, (hopefully) improved web site up soon (again, hopefully), and I want to get you guys ‘n gals more involved. I have a good collection of stories and photos of you and your bikes, rides/trips you’ve been on, etc…but I need more!
If you have anything else that you think might be of interest to current and future Kish owners, please send it in. Electrons are free! And let me tell you, this new website is gonna knock your virtual socks off. Maybe your real socks, too, who knows, so far it’s pretty sweet.
You can submit it by emailing me here, or even better, post it on our new facebook page . While you’re at it, please click the ‘like’ button to stay in the loop, since more updates will be happening there. If you’re already a friend on my personal facebook, please ‘like’ this one anyway. My personal page will probably stay, well, personal. And maybe more boring, unless you’re actually interested in photos of my dog, or old time fiddle and banjo, in which case you’re in luck! You’ll love both.
Here’s a few random photos of what’s been going in the shop:
Some freshly blasted stems:
And a few shots of a ‘sub contracted’ frame, that will soon bear a more exotic name than mine.
Normally I’m not a big head tube extension guy, but it beats a stack of spacers…
And let’s wind it all up with the ol’ crotch shot: